Precautionary Boil Water Notice (Beach View Drive)

October 4 Update: All water samples have passed. Boil water notice for Beach View Drive is rescinded.

TO: All residents on Beach View Drive.

Due to damage to a water main caused by a contractor in your area, your water has been turned off. Your water will be restored as soon as possible.

Therefore, as a precaution, we advise that all water used for drinking, cooking, making ice, brushing teeth, or washing dishes be boiled. A rolling boil of one minute is sufficient. As an alternative, bottled water may be used.

This “Precautionary Boil Water Notice” will remain in effect until a Bacteriological Survey (two consecutive days’ of water samples) shows that the water is safe to drink. The earliest we can expect those results is Wednesday, October 4 around noon.

Please visit or call 941-964-2423 after 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 4″, to find out if this “Precautionary Boil Water Notice” has been rescinded. If you have any questions please contact Gasparilla Island Water Association, Inc. at 941-704-2423.

Ronald Bolton
Utility Director,