Notice of Annual Meeting of Members



Notice is given that the Annual Meeting for the Members of Gasparilla Island Water Association, Inc. (GIWA) will be held on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, commencing at five o’clock p.m. at the Boca Grande St Andrews Episcopal Church auxiliary room.

The business to be transacted at the Annual Meeting will include the following:

  1. Calling the Meeting to order and reporting from the Secretary as to number present in person and by proxy.
  2. Reading the Notice of Annual Meeting.
  3. Minutes of January 16, 2024, Annual Meeting.  Reading if desired by Members.
  4. President’s report on activities of the past year.
  5. Treasurer’s Report.
  6. Election of Directors.
    The Nominees proposed by the Board of Directors for the three open seats are as follows:

R. W. “Bill” Caldwell III

I first came to Boca Grande in the late 50’s and caught my first tarpon here in 1961. I graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor’s of Building Construction and passed my State of Florida General Contactors Exam in 1973. I have been a Land Developer and Contractor since graduating in 1973, mostly in the St. Petersburg area. I moved to Boca Grande full-time in 1998. I have served on the Gasparilla Island Water Association for 18 years.

Mark Campisano

I am a General Contractor in Louisville and founded MC Associates in 1976. Over the past 40 plus years, I have led the construction of over 35 hotels and 150 custom homes, among other residential and commercial properties. My firm is currently building a 168 room Hilton Canopy Hotel, a large sushi restaurant, and a 5 story apartment building, as well as remodeling an office building.

I first discovered Boca Grande while bike riding in Florida. Every year I would ride in the Rotonda/Placida/Manasota Key area with a group, and they would go to Boca Grande one day for lunch. I was so impressed with the beauty of the Island. I love how relaxed and low key it is. The Beaches are stunning, and the people were all warm and welcoming. Super nice and not at all stuffy.

I love it that the Island has a little town, unlike many Florida islands. The golf carts, the walking path, the sunsets, the lack of buildings over 42 feet tall… were captivating. I highly respect and applaud the community planning efforts that serve to ensure this unique island is forever protected.

My wife and I stayed at the Inn a couple of times and then rented a house on Tarpon. We were immediately hooked and bought a house on Palm that I gutted, remodeled and added on to.

My wife, Lindsey Miller and I have been married 41 years. We have 2 adult children, Jamie and Nick Campisano, who reside in NYC, as well as a Golden Doodle named Tony.

H. Andrew Fox

I am committed to contributing to the Gasparilla Island community by actively participating in the governance of the Gasparilla Island Water Association. With my background in engineering and project management, I aim to enhance water management practices through strategic planning and collaboration. By leveraging my expertise, I strive to improve our resources and engage the community in initiatives that address our unique challenges, ensuring a sustainable future for all residents.

Nominations are also permitted from the floor.

  1. Proposed Utility Rate Restructure.  
  2. Any other matters that may properly be considered by the Membership.

If you will be unable to attend the Meeting, two proxies, one for each issue, along with a self-addressed stamped envelope is enclosed for your use to authorize the President or Board designee to vote for you at the meeting.

Copies of the 2024 Annual Audit, the 2025 Budget, and Minutes of the January 17, 2023, Annual Meeting are available at the office of the Association.

Thank you for the continued support you have shown during the past year.

Shelley Patenaude, Secretary
December 9, 2024