Gasparilla Island Water Association, Inc. Conducting Population Survey
Gasparilla Island Water Association, Inc. (GIWA) will be submitting its annual Per Capita water withdrawal report to the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) this spring. This permit limits the amount of well water GIWA is allowed to withdraw and treat for your potable water and as a gallons per person per day limit. Since withdrawals are […]
2024 Annual Membership Meeting Recap
GIWA ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING HELD AT THEBOCA GRANDE COMMUNITY CENTERON JANUARY 16, 2024 Number Present Mrs. Spurgeon, outgoing Secretary, reported that twelve (12) voting members were present in person and 517 by proxy, for a total of 529. After the meeting was called to order four (4) other members attended the meeting, bringing the total […]
Notice of Annual Meeting of Members
Notice is given that the Annual Meeting for the Members of Gasparilla Island Water Association, Inc. (GIWA) will be held on Tuesday, January 16, 2024, commencing at five o’clock p.m. at the BOCA GRANDE COMMUNITY CENTER. The business to be transacted at the Annual Meeting will include the following: If you will be unable to […]
Precautionary Boil Water Notice (Beach View Drive)
October 4 Update: All water samples have passed. Boil water notice for Beach View Drive is rescinded. TO: All residents on Beach View Drive. Due to damage to a water main caused by a contractor in your area, your water has been turned off. Your water will be restored as soon as possible. Therefore, as […]
Temporary Modification of Disinfection Treatment Procedures
Gasparilla Island Water Association, Inc. (GIWA) will be temporarily changing the disinfection process for its Placida and Boca Grande potable (drinking water) water supply. From March 20, 2023, at 8:00 a.m. through May 8, 2023, GIWA will disinfect the water with free chlorine rather than combined chlorine/ammonia (chloramines). This conversion to chlorine (which is a […]
Notice of Annual Meeting of Members
Notice is given that the Annual Meeting for the Members of Gasparilla Island Water Association, Inc. (GIWA) will be held on Tuesday, January 17, 2023, commencing at five o’clock p.m. at the BOCA GRANDE COMMUNITY CENTER. The business to be transacted at the Annual Meeting will include the following: If you will be unable to […]
Rescission of Precautionary Boil Water Notice
To: All Residents of Gasparilla Island: The “Precautionary Boil Water Notice” issued on September 28, 2022, is hereby rescinded following the satisfactory completion of the Bacteriological Survey showing that the water is safe to drink. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to call our office at (941) 964-2423.
Emergency Boil Water Notice Due to Hurricane Ian
TO: All residents of Gasparilla Island. A loss of water pressure was experienced due Hurricane Ian. Therefore, as a precaution, we advise that all water used for consumption, be disinfected by any of the following methods: Bring water to a rolling boil and hold it there for one (1) minute. Put eight (8) drops (1/8 […]