Water Conservation Measures

Landscape Water Days and Times as Detailed Below

Charlotte County

  • Lawn watering is limited to twice per week (if needed).
  • EVEN numbered addresses may water on Thursday and/or Sunday;
  • ODD numbered addresses may water on Wednesday and/or Saturday;
  • Landscape watering is allowed before 10 am or after 4 pm on your designated days;
  • Hand watering and micro-irrigation of plants (other than lawns) can be done on any day and at any time. 

Lee County

Restrictions regulated by South Florida Water Management District

  • EVEN numbered addresses may water on Thursday and/or Sunday;
  • ODD numbered addresses may water on Wednesday and/or Saturday;
  • Landscape watering is allowed before 9 am or after 5 pm on your designated days;
  • Irrigation using low volume methods such as micro-irrigation, and hand watering using a hose with an automatic shut-off nozzle may be conducted at any time.

New Landscapes

New Landscape is allowed additional watering, but varies by county.


If you have any questions, please call the Office at (941) 964-2423 or visit www.mygiwa.com. For additional information on how to conserve water please visit SWFWD’s website at www.watermatters.org.