Notice of Annual Meeting of Members
Notice is given that the Annual Meeting for the Members of Gasparilla Island Water Association, Inc. (GIWA) will be held on Tuesday, January 17, 2023, commencing at five o’clock p.m. at the BOCA GRANDE COMMUNITY CENTER.
The business to be transacted at the Annual Meeting will include the following:
- Calling the Meeting to order and reporting from Secretary as to number present in person and by proxy.
- Reading the Notice of Annual Meeting.
- Minutes of the January 18, 2022, Annual Meeting. Reading if desired by Members.
- President’s report on activities of the past year.
- Treasurer’s Report.
- Election of Directors. The Nominees proposed by the Board of Directors for three open seats are as follows:
Bob Heilman – Bob lives in the Boca Grande Club and has been a property owner here since 2002 and a resident of Boca Grande since 2011. Bob has a degree in chemical engineering and spent his career in management of various manufacturing businesses in Buffalo, NY where he resides in the summer. Bob was previously on the GIWA board from 2016-2021.
Jeff McMillen – Jeff retired to Boca Grande, FL, in January 2011. He has been a property owner since 2009, and presently resides on Snail Island Ct. The majority of Jeff’s career focused on the founding and subsequent development and growth of JTM Foods, Inc. in Erie, PA. The highly automated snack food manufacturing company produced millions of food items annually. Jeff also spent a considerable number of years racing automobiles, which he also developed into a successful business.
Shelley Patenaude – Shelley has a degree from Georgetown University and ran her own interior design business for 30 years in Lake Forest, IL where she still resides in the summer. She is on the Founders Board of Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago and is immediate past president of same. Shelley and her family have been coming to Boca Grande for 25 years and she has owned property in Boca Grande since 2015 and Boca Grande has been her primary residence for two years. She lives on Palm near 7th Street.
Nominations are permitted from the floor. - Any other matters that may properly be considered by the Membership.
If you will be unable to attend the Meeting, a proxy along with a self-addressed stamped envelope will be mailed for your use to authorize the President or any other officer to vote on all matters including the rate change authority for you at the meeting.
Copies of the 2022 Annual Audit, the 2023 Budget, and Minutes of the January 18, 2022, Annual Meeting are available at the office of the Association.
Thank you for the continued support you have shown during the past year.
Susan Spurgeon, Secretary
December 7, 2022